The Science of Deduction


I recently started a new project in which I develop my mobile UI skills by designing fake apps for fictional characters. For the project’s maiden voyage, I decided to design a mobile version of The Science of Deduction.



The Science of Deduction is a fictional website referenced in the BBC’s Sherlock, and—before the advent of John Watson’s blog—seems to be Sherlock’s primary method of attracting clients (until he enumerates 243 types of tobacco ash—but that’s another story). As such, the app needed to include Sherlock’s case files and the forum, through which he begrudgingly interacts with fans, potential clients, and the occasional nemesis. To maintain brand consistency, I used the color palette and background image from the existing design, and also used Helvetica throughout the app. The final screenshots were created in Adobe Illustrator; most of the text was taken from the original website, and was written by Joseph Lidster.

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    • Adobe Illustrator
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